Whether your favorite leather bag needs to be stitched or your motorcycle's ripped leather seat needs to be replaced, count on the efficient professionals at Jim The Shoe Doctor to handle the job. We have been providing GUARANTEED repair services for leather products for over 30 years.
Knife sheaths
Belt pouches
Small bags
Stitching on Dog collars & Leashes
Crazy Socks
Shoe Laces
Shoe/Leather Conditioner
Shoe Polish
Get in touch with us today to get
GUARANTEED leather services!
About Our Business
Jim The Shoe Doctor is a family owned and operated business that has been providing professional shoe repair services in Downtown Eugene since 1903.
From shoe heel and sole repairs to leather bag repairs and custom leather services, we've got you covered. Bring in your items for a FREE estimate! No appointment needed. Walk ins welcome! Pet friendly!
Contact Info
458 East 11th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: (541) 689-2288
Fax: (541) 357-5163
Email: mikeshoedoc@yahoo.com
Business Hours:
Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat - Sun: Closed